Ulcerative Colitis

Stem Cell Treatment


Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are an amazing treatment for Ulcerative Colitis. Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects the colon and rectum. It is characterized by inflammation and ulcers in the lining of the colon and rectum, which can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and weight loss.

MSCs are stem cells that can guide differentiation and regeneration of multiple types of cells. They act like the managers at the construction site by guiding the reconstruction of damaged tissue. For Ulcerative Colitis this means healing the gut. They also have anti-inflammatory properties and can modulate the immune system. Studies have shown that MSCs can reduce inflammation in patients with Ulcerative Colitis.

When MSCs are administered to patients with Ulcerative Colitis, they migrate to the inflamed area of the colon and rectum then release molecules that can reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair. MSCs can also inhibit the immune response that causes inflammation in the first place. This leads to a reduction in symptoms and an improvement in overall quality of life for individuals with Ulcerative Colitis. We have found that these results last. It is like uploading new software into an old computer. The MSCs essentially reprogram the faulty immune cells to stop attacking the intestines and instead protect them like they were originally designed to do.

In addition, MSCs have virtually no risk of causing an adverse immune reaction, as they do not express certain markers that can trigger the immune system. They also lack human leukocyte antigen (HLA) which is the marker the immune system looks for to determine if a tissue is yours or not. This makes the MSCs immune privileged which means your immune system won’t reject them.

Overall, MSCs offer an effective therapeutic approach for individuals with Ulcerative Colitis by targeting the underlying inflammation and promoting tissue repair.


  • Medical consultation
  • 200 to 300 million stem cell IV + 10 billion exosomes
  • Super immune IV + other as needed.
  • Full blood panel
  • Recommended supplement to take.
  • Recommendation on things to do to enhance wellness.
30 minutes
The complete Ulcerative Colitis Stem Cell Treatment is USD$9,000. We will provide a detailed price breakdown once we complete our free consultation with you.
The complete Ulcerative Colitis Stem Cell Treatment typically ranges from USD$9,000 to USD$10,000. We will provide a detailed price breakdown once we complete our free consultation with you.